The Thomas More Lawyers' Guild of Toronto
The Thomas More Lawyers’ Guild of Toronto invites all judges, lawyers, law students, and others associated with the administration of justice in the Archdiocese to join in its activities. Thomas More Lawyers Guilds exist in major cities throughout the world to honour the memory and principles of Thomas More, the patron saint of lawyers memorialized in the film "A Man for all Seasons". The Thomas More Lawyers Guild of Toronto is a non profit association formed in 1968 to fulfull the mandate of sponsoring the annual Red Mass and contributing to the spiritual and intellectual well-being of its members. The Red Mass dates back to the 13th century and marks the opening of the Michaelmas term of the Courts in September. It has been celebrated at St. Michael’s Cathedrual in Toronto every year since 1924. Dinners are held in September following the Red Mass and in June to mark the Feast of St. Thomas More. Past speakers have included former Prime Ministers John Turner and Joe Clark, the Canadian ethicist Margaret Sommerville and celebrated Catholic authors and columnists Mary Jo Leddy, O.C. and Fr. Ron Rolheiser, OMI. Our functions are designed to remind us of the spiritual origins and purpose of our laws and of the vocation of law.