New Members: Please use the Create an Account form on the left below to join VSSA. 
Renewing Members:  Please login using the
Login to Memberplanet on the right below to renew your membership.
Everyone:  Thank you for being a member of VSSA!

All membership dues are due the first quarter of each year. Please follow the links provided to join or renew. All members are elible to enter the fishing tournment for an additional $50 Click VSSA Fishing Tournament here for details.  The VSSA Fishing Tournament is now a length-style tournament that pays cash prizes for the longest of 10 different kinds of fish - EACH MONTH May-Oct!  We are using FishDonkey as our platform for the tournment.  There will be a lot of exciting upcoming announcements in 2023 so please, visit our website here and watch for our email updates. Your support of VSSA will go a long way to improve saltwater fishing for everyone in Virginia!