2023-2024 Membership

Top 10 Reasons to Join the West Woodland PTA: 

10. The PTA creates a village that comes together to create community. 
9. The PTA links families with important information from the school administration and the community.
8. The PTA hosts events.
7. The PTA funds the arts. 
6. The PTA funds vital services through the Instructional Grant.
5. The PTA supports our teachers by providing them with additional funds to improve their classrooms. 
4. The PTA supports the broader community, such as through our holiday giving drive and partnership with Northgate Elementary. 
3. The PTA funds new books for our wonderful library. 
2. The PTA tracks local, state and national policies every day so we can advocate for our students, families, and school. 
1. By becoming a PTA member you help strengthen the relationship between the teachers, staff and parents.


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